Financial Services Guide


ABN 96 152 556 833

Corporate Authorised Representative, number 1250727



ABN 92 168 734 530

AFSL 456663

Effective Date:  1st July 2024

About Us

BR Securities Australia Pty Ltd (BR) is the holder of Australian Financial Services License (“AFSL”) number 456663.

Jevons Global Pty Ltd (JG), is an Authorised Representative (number 1250727) of BR. 

This Financial Service Guide (FSG) is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use JG’s services and includes such things as who we are; our services; how we transact with you; how we are paid and complaint processes

The distribution of this FSG by JG is authorized by BR.

Contact Details, BR and JG

BR Levels 2–3. Quay Quarter Tower, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.  David Bickford, Director and Head of Compliance,

JG: PO Box 125, Campbell LPO, Campbell, ACT, 2612 AUSTRALIA

P: +61 2 99290425


Web Page:

JG is the entity providing the authorised AFSL services to you as a retail or wholesale client.

What Financial Services are we authorised to provide?

JG is authorised to provide general financial advice to retail and wholesale clients in relation to  Securities; Managed Investment Schemes including Investor Directed Portfolio Services and Derivatives

Our financial advice service

We will provide you with our financial product recommendations via our Savvy Yabby Report.  This service provides you with thematic research and stock analysis for global equity markets via a newsletter format. There are both free and paid versions of the newsletter content.  The unique component of our advice is a sentiment indicator which provides an estimate of the likely unrealized gains or losses of investors in stocks.  We provide this in the form of a downloadable spreadsheet screening tool, along with our proprietary charts that illustrate sentiment.  This is supplemented by research on investment themes we consider to be important drivers of market returns.

Regular content is provided to educate self-directed investors on different aspects of global investment including the composition of global markets, types of securities, and portfolio construction ideas for both Australian and Global model portfolios.

Please note that any financial advice given by JG is defined as general advice, as the financial advice given will not take into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.  You should, before acting on the advice, consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. As we only provide general financial advice we will not be providing a Statement of Advice. 

How are we paid?

Savvy Yabby is paid via monthly or annual subscription fees through the Substack service.  This is a newsletter distribution service.  Substack handles subscription sign-up, collection of subscription fees, unsubscribe requests, and distribution of our content.

Substack is paid a percentage of our subscription fee, along with payment service Stripe.

JG is the publisher of The Savvy Yabby Report and is paid all residual fee revenues, after deduction of all platform service fees, directly from Stripe, at the direction of Substack.

JG pays its staff for authorship and preparation of The Savvy Yabby Report.

Investors may subscribe to both free and paid newsletters as outlined below.

Free newsletter:

  • The Savvy Yabby Report – free email service

Paid newsletter:

  • The Savvy Yabby Report – paid email service – $300 AUD annually

Substack handles the sign-up, subscribe and unsubscribe functions of The Savvy Yabby Report.  The Substack platform has support information for readers who wish to cancel, their paid subscription, or upgrade or downgrade their service level, as appropriate.

Associations and Relationships

BR, JG, its directors and related parties have no associations or relationships with any product issuers other than when advising retail clients to invest in managed funds when the managers of these funds may also be clients of BR. 

JG’s representatives may from time to time deal in or otherwise have a financial interest in financial products recommended to you but any material ownership will be disclosed to you when relevant advice is provided.


If you have a complaint about our service, please contact the JG representative and tell them about your complaint.  Alternatively email David Bickford about the matter.  If you aren’t satisfied with an outcome, you may contact AFCA, see below.

BR is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).  AFCA provide fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.



Telephone: 1 800 931 678 (free call)

In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC, 3001.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

BR has in place Professional Indemnity Insurance which satisfies the requirements for compensation under s912B of the Corporations Act and that covers our authorized representatives.